Saturday, November 20, 2010


There is another great gathering around the Jordan River as many people line up for the baptism of Yochanan the Baptist. One by one they are dipped under the water; and raised again with renewed life in the blessed peace and joy of sins forgiven. The day looks more promising, the sky looks bluer, the grass looks greener, the songs of the birds sounds merrier, as all who experience the new life in God and the hope of seeing the Messiah, which Yochanan (John) has just preached.

And suddenly, Yochanan looks to the Jordan bank once again, anticipating receiving the next person to baptize when, there, directly before him is the fulfillment of the promise which he had long hoped and preached about.  There, at the Jordan River, he beholds Yahshua, the lamb of YHWH which taketh way the sins of the world. Of this man, he said: "is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and [with] fire:"  Matit'yah - ha'Levi 3:11,

And there He was.....the man who YHWH  had said "Whose fan [is] in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Matit'yah - ha'Levi 3:12 He came to be baptized in the Jordan River (Jordan in Hebrew means descender). Yahshua, who descended from Heaven, descended again (humbled Himself ) to the ordinance of baptism. An ordinance which indicated sins committed and needed to be washed away. But Yahshua, who knew no sin; became sin for us, that we through His righteousness may be made clean, forgiven, saved.

Photograph courtesy of Bible
At the Jordan River, three great miracles happens....and yet four. The Shamayim (Heavens) opened, the Ruach Ha Kodesh descended in the form of a dove upon Yahshua, and for the first time, after the fall of man, ABBA Father spoke directly to humanity in Yahshua Ha Mashiach. And the  fourth; hearts were changed, souls believed as they heard the voice speak from the most excellent glory proclaiming Yahshua as His only begotten Son...delighting Himself in Him. And because our Father delighted Himself in Yahshua, the Son of Adam, He delights Himself in every born again son of Adam. We are once again excepted by Elohim in Messiah.

And as the Jordan River empties into the Dead Sea, Yahshua's baptism is of such great strength, of such great significance to the Throne of Glory above, that all who wish to be washed clean from their sins, but for some reason, was not physically able (like the thief on the cross), Yahshua's baptism covers their lack.

Moreover, the efficacy of the Master's baptizim is of such power and full of such promise......we see the symbolism of the death, burial, and resurrection of this one act (which Signifies the death, burial and resurrection of Yahshua Himself)....encompass all who will to be saved. Yahshua's baptisim is symbolic of the pledge made, from the foundation of the world, that all who accepts Him as their substitute and example, and descends into the Jordan, (humbles themselves in heart) to this outward work of faith, will be renewed in Him and have their sins washed away and carried into the Dead Sea. This ordinance was given full dignity, power, effectiveness, and acceptance by ABBA; because of  Yahshua; the Son of Man, went to the Jordan River, was baptised, and accepted by YHWH; who, sent not an angle from Heaven to proclaim this acceptance, but THE ETERNAL.......SPOKE .........."This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."  Matit'yah - ha'Levi 3:17 

And all this happened one day; approximately two thousand years ago, at the Jordan River, and now, people from all over the world are still following His example; being baptized in HIS NAME........Amein!.....Amein!

Friday, November 12, 2010


In our last post we talked about the importance of hearing and obeying the call of "follow Me".

We now discuss the importance of knowing the voice of YHWH. One reason why it is so important is because your life, and mine, depend upon knowing Him.... "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." Yochanan 17:3 (Jn.)

Have you ever had a love one call you on the phone and, as soon as your say hello, and they begin to speak you know instantly who it is? This has resulted from spending lots of time with that loved one. You know their habits of speech, the nuances of voice. As it is in our earthly relationships, even more so in the Heavenly.
The storms which we have in our lives now are the smaller squalls which are 'workmen' to work within us to both will and to do of His pleasure. Now is the time to learn in the School of Messiah. If we make mistakes, (and we will), do not wallow  in your misery. Your defeat can be turned into a great stepping stone if you and I would simply learn the valuable lesson in it.

The Natzarim (disciples) of Yahshua had to hear more that just the physical sound of Yahshua calling them to follow him. Listen, who in their right mind is going to leave their fishing business, tax collecting business, and other occupations of life and follow a man whom they never met and who is so poor that even the foxes and birds have more than Him; in terms of a place to call home.

Think about it......suppose someone (a homeless person) comes to you and says; follow me. You and I would say....who is this person? Does he/she need to type of psychiatric help?

If we are honest with ourselves this is what attitude most of us would have. I'm here to share with you now that the natzarim heard far more than an audible "follow me" call.

This "follow me" call was from YHWH Himself. And how do we know this? "....God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself," 2Cor. 5:19 YHWH has a way of calling that is so penetrating that it speaks to the very core and essence of our being. He has a call that is distinct from every human call;   .....when He calls His voice is as the sound of many waters. [See Y'chizki'el 43:2 & Hagilu Natan Elohim 1:15] KJV (Eze. 43:2; Rev.1:15)  I'm persuaded to believe that the "many waters" is indicative of the many frequencies with which He speaks. Each pitch is characteristic of each person whom He has made. In other words, every person has unique frequency. And when YHWH calls you; you hear in your inner most being the "call" because it is in the key/frequency with which you where created.

This is how much you mean to YHWH. This is how much He loves you and me. We are individually special to Him.So when you calls you; you know  who He is.

I wish to end this teaching/ sharing with the lyrics to a wonderful song I've just now discovered. The song is called God Speaking:

Have you ever heard a love song, that set your spirit free?
courtesy of Public Domain Pictures. net
Have you ever watched a sunrise and felt you could not breathe?
What if it’s Him. What if it’s God speaking?
Have you ever cried a tear that you could not explain?
Have you ever met a stranger who already knew your name?
What if it’s Him. What if it’s God speaking?
Who knows how He’ll get a hold of us?
Get our attention to prove He is enough.
He’ll do, and He’ll use whatever He wants to.
To tell us, I Love You..........

You can get the rest of the lyrics to this song from:

Shalom In Yahshua Messiah.