Thursday, April 21, 2011


To all my arrested for sedition followers and visitors please note that my new blog address is Arrested For Sedition dot net. I spelled (dot net out) so I would not get any spam. It would take up to 24hrs before it is active.

I hope to see you all at this new location.

Shalom In Yahshua.


 What accusation bring ye against this man? (Jn 18:29)”  Pilate said in an authoritative voice. They answered and said unto him, If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee. Then said Pilate unto them, Take ye him, and judge him according to your law. The Jews therefore said unto him, It is not lawful for us to put any man to death: (Jn. 18:30,31)
And what was Yahshua’s response? ….And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing. (Matt. 27:12)
And the chief priests accused him of many things: but he answered nothing.(Mk. 15:3)
And Pilate asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And he answered him and said, Thou sayest [it]. (Lk. 23:3) They answered and said unto him, If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee. Then said Pilate unto them, Take ye him, and judge him according to your law. The Jews therefore said unto him, It is not lawful for us to put any man to death: That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spake, signifying what death he should die. (Jn. 18:30-32)
  The Sanhedrin then became desperate in their attempt to silence the Galilean Prophet. They saw that Pilate was not moving in the direction of a quick confirmation of their death sentence…..They saw that if it were even intimated that Yahshua is condemned for religious reasons, than His  case would be immediately dismissed; Yahshua would be freed to received greater homage and adoration and respect from the people and their priestly power would come to an end.
1.  According to Matt. 27:12; Mk.15:3 it was the religious leaders who accused Yahshua to the earthily civil authorities. It will be the apostate religious leaders of today who will be foremost in accusing the Natzarim (followers of Messiah) to the civil authorities. It is even possible that they may be given civil power to make arrests. This cannot be discounted, for we have the example in the case before us. (Remember who arrested/ bound Him in Gethsemane).
2. Yahshua was presented to the worldly Roman judge as a ‘malefactor’  [kakopoios](Strong’s #G2555) which means ‘an evil doer’. Be prepared to be accused of the same. (Jn. 15:20)
3.  Notice the reluctance on part of Pilate to have anything to do with the case at hand. “….Take ye him, and judge him according to your law.”  This shows that Pilate saw through their plot to have Yahshua condemned to death for a religious reason. In other words; Pilate was saying, I see that you have arrested this man for religious; and not civil disobedience, whatever you say He’s done, judge Him according to your religious laws. This point is interesting, in that the world loving Pilate saw nothing in the case worthy of death. This is a huge rebuke to the religious leaders. Pilate had demonstrated a greater sense of justice and equity than those whom was their life work to judge righteous judgment. (Deut. 25:1) And In the coming world/ religious crisis many a world loving ruler/ judge will be open to hear the truth for this time. Some will be influenced by the character of Yahshua shining forth from the believer. And some may even except the testimony of truth and be saved.
4. Notice that Yahshua did not answer or defend Himself to His accusers. He spoke directly to Pilate when questioned; but never did He answer the claims of His accusers to them.We are to do as He did. As a matter of fact Yahshua told us plainly in (Matt.10:19,20) what we should do when placed in similar circumstances.
5.  When Pilate asked Yahshua directly if He is the King of the Jews, He responded “Thou sayest [it].” (Matt. 27:11) In this response we learn several important things. One, in answering positively in regards to this question; Yahshua was confessing the Father before him. For Messiah was born ‘King of the Jews’ (Matt.2:2) this is who He is….this is His title by virtue of His being born of the seed of David; and being the Messiah, the chosen One, through whom the prophesies of the Taknakh regarding the coming King were to be fulfilled. The mission of the Messiah; slain from the foundation of the world, was ordained in the ‘Counsel of Peace’  back in the days of eternity. He taught that we are to confess Him before men (Matt.10:32) and the very lesson He taught us; He Himself is now practicing.  We in Yahshua, are of the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise (Gal.3:29). We have received a mission, and a holy calling (2Tim. 1:9) from the Father; and as children of the Great King we are to confess Him before the world. (Matt.10:32)  Another important point to consider is that Yahshua was basically acknowledging Pilates acknowledgment of the truth. In other words He said your perception of me; framed  as a question, is true. This is an important witnessing point to consider. Yahshua was sharing truth with this worldly judge. He wanted Pilate to accept His testimony and be saved. He wanted to give more understand . However, it is important to allow the person to whom we are witnessing , to be given room to allow the working of the Ruach on their mind so as to speak out their (Ruach prompted perception) of truth. For when they cooperate with the Ruach and  give place to It’s promptings, even in the from of  a question; when it is confirmed to them that it is true, it makes it easier for them to assent or agree with the next level of truth. 
This is further shown in the private conversation that Pilate had with the Savior. And even though Pilate did not accept the Truth, nevertheless we can know of a surety that One wiser than Solomon was applying the very best witnessing methods to win over this Roman governor.   
6.  The Sanhedrin became desperate in their attempts to have their death sentence ratified. We can see in this desperate attempt their every strenuous effort to disbelieve the testimony of Yahshua (as being the Messiah, the fulfiller of all the prophesies of the Tanakh concerning Himself) that they would not come to Him and be healed. In the coming religious/civil persecution of the people of YHWH, the religious leaders will make almost superhuman efforts to convince the world that this ‘fringe group of fanatics’ cannot possibly be the true people of God. If God had any new revelation it would come through us, His designated leaders; they will say.  But, like Yahshua before Pilate, the testimony of YHWH’S people will be so strong,  all will be convinced regarding their identity as the true followers of Yahshua. (Jn.13:35) The witness of the people of YHWH will be so strong that the false religious leaders will do almost anything to keep the light of truth from shining on their congregations.
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2Thess.2:11,12) The desperate attempts of the priests of Yahshua’s day; was their effort to stay in darkness, to stay in self deception. But in the time before us,  as it was  then, the Light of YHWH’S truth we shine everywhere, and the true hearted in all religious bodies, will be called out, and they will come out and take their stand on the platform of eternal truth.

Thursday, April 14, 2011



I was listening to this song with my children just now and I was filled with such love for the Savior!!! It is my hope and prayer that each of you will receive the same blessing that we received just now. Amein…..Amein!


Through days of hurt and pain
My heart cried "all is vain"
I'd lost all my will to live
Too many times I tried
Too many ties I failed
And it only brough tears and shame
Then I saw that old cross
Were I won through His loss
And I knew one more time
There His strength became mine
That's when Calvary came through once again
When I lost all my courage to win
Just when I thought I'd been defeated
The cross was all I needed
That's when Calvary came through once again
From the stable to the grave
My Savior gave and He gave
His life as a final price
Now I cherish that tree
Where I found victory
Conquering Hell and our foes
Praise His name, He arose
(Repeat Chorus)
I will glory in the cross, in the cross
Lest His suffering all be in vain

Saturday, April 9, 2011


This story; known by many students of the Scriptures is one which has a deeper meaning than what some may glean from its surface. So today, we will look at the surface meaning as we follow this ‘Stranger’ who is …….Drawing Near.


Our story begins in the country of the Gergesenes (Strongs# G1086) = ‘a stranger drawing near’.  Yahshua had calmed the tumultuous sea, the night before, he lands, at the break of dawn on the eastern side of the Lake Gennesaret.gennesaret 

And suddenly there appeared two men running at top speed towards Him . They appeared more savage then human; for they were men possessed of devils and severely tormented had cut themselves with stones (Mark 5:5). He speaks peace to these benighted souls and the demons depart and leave their former victims sitting at the Saviors feet. (Lk.8:35)The demons request permission to enter into a nearby herd of swine to which Yahshua permits them. They enter the swine and drive them  down a steep place into the sea and they are drowned.

The citizens of the place learn about the deliverance of the demoniacs and the subsequent destruction of the herd of swine after which they ask Yahshua to leave their country. Yahshua leaves with His disciples; leaving behind two monuments of His love and power; for the purpose of telling and re-telling the story far and wide of their deliverance from the demons by the ‘Stranger Drawing Near’.


And What are some of  the immediate lessons to be learned from this story?

1.That Yahshua the Messiah, in His role as Messiah was fulfilling His mission of coming to deliver the captives from the possession of Satan (Isa. 49:25;Isa. 61:1; Lk.4:18;) 

2.  The principalities and powers of Satan recognize and submit to the supreme authority of Yahshua. (Matt.8:29; Lk. 8:28)

3.  Therefore the powers of darkness are subject to all who submit to the authority of Yahshua being ‘joint heirs with Him’ and to whom He has promised authority over the Devil and his dominion.(Lk.9:1;Rom.8:17)

4.  In being set free from the power of Satan we receive a commission to go and tell what great things Elohim hath done for us. (Lk.8:39)

5.  In the deliverance from Satan’s power we are ‘sitting 'at Yahshua’s feet{ Lk.8:35}  (a position of humility and as a learner and student of Him and His Word.)

6.  In the deliverance wrought for the two demoniacs we see ourselves ‘clothed’ not naked. (Lk.8:35; Rev.3:18)

7.  We are given a right mind (Lk.8:35) which is the mind of Yahshua (Phil.2:5)

The number 7 represents completeness and we are complete in Him. (Col.2:10)


(……….to be continued……….)