Looking back we see the future
In clear and radiant lines
We see a new beginning
The Day Star clears our minds
Of all the pain and sorrow
Of all the mourning sea
Of all that brought tomorrow
Of the day that we now see
Looking back we see our destiny
Of one but two ways holding
The First of hope and restoration,
The other so dismal and appalling,
Looking back, we must!
Tis what is required of thee
To understand the beginning,
Of what there is to be.....
"Watchman, what of the night?....the morning cometh and also the night"(Isa.21:11,12) |
(based on: Isa.46:10;Ps.84:11;Ps.50:1,2;Rev.21:1;2Pe.1:19;Isa.65:17;Rev.21:4;
Until next time Shalom and Ahava In Yahshua.