In considering the place where Yahshua was directly tempted of ha Satan we ask; what significance would the wilderness or (eramos Strong's #2048 )be to Him; first of all, then to us His followers? The Greek word for wilderness (eramos) means solitary, lonely, or desolate. The picture we get is that the Ruach Ha kodash led Yahshua into a solitary place, where He could contemplated more deeply His life mission, which was soon to commence.
We understand from the story of the Exodus from Egypt, that [Israel]; the first born son, was called into the wilderness to receive from Elohim the Law, Instructions and Teachings, which would prepare them for their mission as being teachers of the nations. Here, in a solitary place, away from all the corrupting influences of the pagan nations around them, they were; for forty years, taught YHWH'S Laws, Judgments, and Statues. Here they committed and covenanted themselves (by a blood sacrifice) to be a set apart people unto Elohim. Here they were tempted of ha Satan to see whether they would keep Yahweh's Laws or not.
In like manner, Yahshua, the first born of YHWH was called into the wilderness (a solitary place) to be alone with His Abba to receive the final preparation for His public ministry to the world which was soon to open up before Him. Away from all His earthly family and friends, Yahshua saw, without any outside distractions; the road He must travel to become our Sacrifice, our Redeemer. The forty days of hungering and thirsting after righteousness which He submitted Himself to; answers to the forty years of traveling through the wilderness by the Hebrew nation. (I have appointed thee a day for a year)[seeY'chizki'el 4:6 Eze.& B'midvar14:34 Num.]..The victory that Yahshua gained for us reaches back to the Garden of Eden and forward to the very last repenting, believing, sinner. The temptation and the victory He gained, was a reaffirmation of the covenant He entered into; for us, and in our stead. For the basis of the first Covenant, being faulty, gave way to a new and living Covenant, being established by better promises.(Mashiakim Yehudim 6:8) I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law [is] within my heart.T'hilim 40:8
Do you sometimes feel all alone. Have you ever sensed the silence of the wilderness even when all around there is a great concourse of people? This, my friend, is the school in which we are taught of Elohim. You may, by circumstances, be situated in such a way so as none can fully understand your walk with Yahshua. But be assured of Yahshua's promise to be there with you in your battle with Satan.
The people of YHWH are now in a solitary place.We are now being prepared of YHWH for the final ministry and conflict.(See The Gethsemane Crisis and the Coming Crisis at We must, overcome all three temptations; as Yahshua did, with a plain it is written..
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, [even] our faith. Yochanan Aleph 5:4 (1Jn)
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