Saturday, December 25, 2010


To all my followers, and those who would like to begin following my new blog called ‘In These Times’ this invitation is extended. This blog will deal primarily with the Prophecies of the Scriptures and there unfolding in these times. We intend to share prophecies as they unfold in events that are happening all around us now. Our intent is to share in such a manner as would lead all to a deeper and fuller study and understanding of them as they have been given us by our Messiah Yahshua. Many have looked to the prophecies of of the OT and NT as impossible to understand. We endeavor to sweep away this myth and allow the Holy Writ  to speak as The Revelation of Yahshua Messiah which Elohim gave unto Him to shew unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass…….IN THESE TIMES.

Please join me as we embark on this journey in receiving a deeper revelation of Yahshua. Note that we have in store truths that have been given to turn the world upside down; and to pull down every strong hold of Satan and every imagination that exults itself above the true Elohim of Shamayim (Heaven). Our plan is to share these truths in the context of the Cross of Yahshua, and His Infinite Love for all mankind.

Time is short, and what must be done must be done quickly……Yahshua says……behold I come quickly……. Blessed [is] he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. (Rev.22:12;Rev. 16:15)


With Ahava (Love) and Unity In Messiah,



Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Pause before Gethsemane (Re-Post)

[This is a re-post from my sister blog, Arrested For Sedition. I invite ALL to join this pilgrimage with me as we; not only retrace the final steps which Yahshua took through Gethsemane to His arrest, trial, and Crucifixion, but gather deep insights along the way; which, if implemented in our personal lives; will prepare us for our coming hour and the power of darkness; as we become changed from glory to glory by beholding the sufferings of our loving Perfect Example.]  "Blessed [is] the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors......I die daily." (Prov.8:34; 1Cor. 15:31)

Shalom to you all in the name of Yahshua who is now walking in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks in the sanctuary in the Shamayim above.

From the first post until now we have been studying sacred history. More specifically we have been studying the principles of Yahweh's government and Satan's seditious plot to overthrow it. We have endeavored to illustrate the big picture of the spiritual warfare which started in the shamayim (Heaven) and has continued unabated for the last six thousand years.

We now turn our attention to the central event of the warfare and the mighty issues that were at stake when Yahshua entered upon the final moments of His life here on earth.We also will be discussing the final moments of this earth's history which (in many ways is a secondary fulfillment of Yahshua's final hours) which are now upon us. We will be studying; very closely the Life of Messiah with the purpose of drawing from Him vital lessons which we are to implement in our lives as we seek to bring our thoughts, actions, and habits in harmony with the One who is " ....altogether lovely".

You can also anticipate some new truths from the Lamp which burneth (the Holy Scriptures) and some very interesting prophecies yet to be fulfilled. These together with the truths which may be familiar to some, we hope to ponder, contemplate, and pray over and reconsider in the context of a more complete understanding; as the sacred scroll of earth's history reaches it's conclusion. We also wish for your input, by way of questions, comments, and prayerful observations as we enter into new and uncharted waters.

We leave you for now with these words....

Tis midnight, and on Olive's brow
The star is dimmed that lately shone;
'Tis midnight, in the garden now
The suffering Savior prays alone.

'Tis midnight, and from all removed
Emmanuel wrestles lone with fears
E'en the disciple whom He loved
Heeds not his Master's grief and tears.

'Tis midnight, and for others' guilt
The Man of Sorrows weeps in blood;
Yet He Who hath in anguish knelt
Is not forsaken by His God.

'Tis midnight, and from ether plains
Is borne the song that angels know;
Unheard by mortals are the strains
That sweetly soothe the Savior's woe.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Village of Comfort (Re-Post)

(Please read The Guarded One and the Descender before continuing with this study)

I discovered in my study that Capernaum (Strong’s # G2584) means Village of Comfort. So we see Yeshua leaving The Guarded One and coming to dwell in “The Village of Comfort. More correctly, He came to bring to this world comfort, as can be seen in the following verses. (For God so loved the world That He gave His only begotten Son…” to Comfort all that mourn (Yochanan 3:16) [Jn. 3:16]; (Yesha'yah 61:2) [Isa.61:2] (Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.( (Isa.40:1) (See also Lam. 2:13; Zec.1:17; Matt.10:49; & 2Cor.1:4 And in (Yesha'yah  61:1,2) [Isa. 61:1,2] we see here a prophecy describing the very ministry which Yeshaua was to do; which included bringing comfort to them that mourn.

We are the mourners. Our world is filled with sorrow, pain, suffering, and death on account of sin. Yeshua came to bring comfort to us by His words and deeds of loving kindness. (see Matit'yah - ha'Levi 9:22) [Matt. 9:22;]; Rom.15:4) He poured out His vivifying current of love that touched all who sought His help. For, He is the balm, and comfort for all our sicknesses. He is the joy of the whole earth.
NASA satellite image.
Our world can aptly be described as a village as we compare it with the outer gas planets of our solar system. For example, Jupiter is 11 times the diameter of the earth. But when we look at our world in relation to the Milky Way Galaxy we are truly a little village. (Our world in front of red arrow in picture at left).

What was the condition of our village when The Descender came? “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.” (Yesha'yah 9:2) (Isa.9:2) For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
I believe that this condition of “darkness” and “shadow of death “is speaking not only of our physical world, but also of the condition of our hearts. Blinded by sin the heart of man becomes darkened; and unable to discern God in nature, he worships the sun, moon, stars, and other objects that he himself has made. This brings greater misapprehension to the soul. For without having a clear understanding of the God of nature he then has a darkened and indistinct knowledge of his world and himself. And thus decisions are made which do not reflect sound reason in accordance with the Scriptures; but a reasoning which is carnal and earthly. And a harvest of sorrow and misery follows. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Gal. 6:7)
But YHWH in His infinite wisdom and love saw the deplorable condition of man. He saw our wretchedness and helplessness. He saw our village, our world, and our hearts, and when it appeared that the hopelessness of man was beyond hope, moved with compassion beyond comprehension, He poured out His pure love for us in giving us His all in the person of Yeshua Ha Meshiach. As the Waters of the Jordan empty into the Sea of Galilee so did YHWH water this parched world with the Living Waters of Life.
The Guarded One sent The Descender to our world/village (represented by the sea of Galilee of the Gentiles) to bring comfort and hope to those, who dwelling and wrestling with the shadow of death, beheld a great Light. Amein......Amein.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Guarded One & The Descender (Re-Post)

The Sea of Galilee from NW
Our very first teaching which we receive from Yeshua is by the sea. (Matit'yah - ha'Levi 4:13) [Matthew].

And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim:That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, The land of
Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, [by] the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up. From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matit'yah - ha'Levi 4:13-17) [Matthew]

What is it that Yeshua has hidden in this text for us to search out?[It is] the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings [is] to search out a matter.(Mashali 25:2) [Prov.] Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. (Matit'yah - ha'Levi 13:33) [Matthew]

(And leaving Nazareth) In the text we see Yeshua leaving Nazareth; the word Nazareth (Strong's#G3478) means "The Guarded One".

(he came and dwelt in Capernaum)....the word Capernaum (Strong's #G2584)means "village of comfort"or consolation.

(which is upon the sea coast) the Scriptures symbols are often used to convey meaning. The meaning of a symbol would be explained in another part of the Bible. In (Yesha'yah 57:20;60:5;) [Isa.] and in (Yirmi'yah 51:42) [Jeremiah]. Also in (Y'chizki'el26:3)[Ezekiel] we find that sea symbolizes: people, nations, multitudes.

(in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim:) ....the name Zabulon (Strong's # G2194) means "a habitation" dwelling. the name Nephthalim (Strong's # G3508) means "wrestling"

Now we come to an interesting prophecy of (Yesha'yah 9:1,2)[Isa.] which speaks of this same region (Zabulon & Nephthalim) along with other cities in the surrounding areas being afflicted by the military forces of Assyria. This Elohim (God) foretold will come upon His people if they persisted in disobedience.

But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments ; And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments , so that ye will not do all my commandments , [but] that ye break my covenant : And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies : they that hate you shall reign over you....(V'yakra 26:14,15,17)[Leviticus]

The prophecy of (Yesha'yah 9:1,2) [Isa.] depicts spiritual darkness with the words ("...the dimness....) in verse 1. This dimness is also temporal in the sense that they would become subjects of a foreign power.

But the prophecy compares and contrast the former two afflicts of this region with a prophecy of enlightenment coming to them that "walked in darkness". The prophecy speaks Zabulon and Nephthalim " the way of the sea, beyond Jordan" Jordan (Strongs #G2446) means The Descender. Who was it that descended from above? The same that ascended above. "The Lord himself shall descend from heaven..." (Thess. 4:16) " I ascend unto my Father..." (Yochanan 20:17) Yeshua is The Descender.

"From that time Jesus began to preach..." Much can be said of "that time" when Yeshua began to preach." I think we will leave that for another time . However this much can be said; "To every [thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" (Kehilat 3:1)[Eccl.]

"Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." This message was the heart and soul of Yeshua's ministry. Repentance full and complete to the chief of sinners.  "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink." (Yochanan 7:37) [John] Yeshua's heart of infinite love is being poured out to us in the commencement of His public ministry.

Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars.( Mashali 9:1) [Prov.]

Now, the house (in this case the teaching) has been you see her seven (symbol of completion) pillars.Do you perceive her depths of understanding?

In the story Yehsua leaves Nazareth...but we know that Nazareth means The Guarded One. The Guarded One is none other than our Heavenly Father. Here are the three witnesses:

O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwellest [between] the cherubims, (Yesha'yah 37:16)[Isa.]

"....thou that dwellest  [between] the cherubims (T'hilim 80:1) [Ps.]
We see the same picture in the Sanctuary of Elohim in the Tanuach; in the Holy of Hollies. The mercy seat of the Ark of His Testimony had two graven angels with their wings spread on high with the Glory of YHWH manifested in the midst.(Shemot 25:18-22)[Exodus] The Two Cherubims are YHWH'S personal guards.

Yeshua (The Descender) leaves the Father's guarded presence and dwells in the "village of comfort". What is this village of comfort?

To be continued......

 Photo courtesy of

Thursday, December 2, 2010



Shalom everyone. I’ve not posted in almost two weeks now because I’ve been very busy with work recently. I hope to get back to posting this weekend.

I thought to do something a bit different with this post. Many of you do not know much about me; so I thought to do a post on some of my favorite YouTube videos. To some this may not that seem personal; however my choice of videos will give you some idea of my interests, tastes and passions. The videos will cover my tastes in  sacred music, classical music, Bible Prophecy speakers, NWO speakers, and even an old Sesame Street clip (which I loved as a boy growing up) {even though the clip is about a girls’ doll house} the innocence of the scene is what touches my heart. (and I also looooove cats). I also have a clip on nature which is par excellent.

So without further ado I share with you some of  my more personal things…O, and by the way; please leave a comment if you wish….and to my Messianic followers……Happy Chanukah!



I hope you enjoy them……Shalom in Yahshua Ha Mashiach  (Jesus The Messiah)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


There is another great gathering around the Jordan River as many people line up for the baptism of Yochanan the Baptist. One by one they are dipped under the water; and raised again with renewed life in the blessed peace and joy of sins forgiven. The day looks more promising, the sky looks bluer, the grass looks greener, the songs of the birds sounds merrier, as all who experience the new life in God and the hope of seeing the Messiah, which Yochanan (John) has just preached.

And suddenly, Yochanan looks to the Jordan bank once again, anticipating receiving the next person to baptize when, there, directly before him is the fulfillment of the promise which he had long hoped and preached about.  There, at the Jordan River, he beholds Yahshua, the lamb of YHWH which taketh way the sins of the world. Of this man, he said: "is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and [with] fire:"  Matit'yah - ha'Levi 3:11,

And there He was.....the man who YHWH  had said "Whose fan [is] in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Matit'yah - ha'Levi 3:12 He came to be baptized in the Jordan River (Jordan in Hebrew means descender). Yahshua, who descended from Heaven, descended again (humbled Himself ) to the ordinance of baptism. An ordinance which indicated sins committed and needed to be washed away. But Yahshua, who knew no sin; became sin for us, that we through His righteousness may be made clean, forgiven, saved.

Photograph courtesy of Bible
At the Jordan River, three great miracles happens....and yet four. The Shamayim (Heavens) opened, the Ruach Ha Kodesh descended in the form of a dove upon Yahshua, and for the first time, after the fall of man, ABBA Father spoke directly to humanity in Yahshua Ha Mashiach. And the  fourth; hearts were changed, souls believed as they heard the voice speak from the most excellent glory proclaiming Yahshua as His only begotten Son...delighting Himself in Him. And because our Father delighted Himself in Yahshua, the Son of Adam, He delights Himself in every born again son of Adam. We are once again excepted by Elohim in Messiah.

And as the Jordan River empties into the Dead Sea, Yahshua's baptism is of such great strength, of such great significance to the Throne of Glory above, that all who wish to be washed clean from their sins, but for some reason, was not physically able (like the thief on the cross), Yahshua's baptism covers their lack.

Moreover, the efficacy of the Master's baptizim is of such power and full of such promise......we see the symbolism of the death, burial, and resurrection of this one act (which Signifies the death, burial and resurrection of Yahshua Himself)....encompass all who will to be saved. Yahshua's baptisim is symbolic of the pledge made, from the foundation of the world, that all who accepts Him as their substitute and example, and descends into the Jordan, (humbles themselves in heart) to this outward work of faith, will be renewed in Him and have their sins washed away and carried into the Dead Sea. This ordinance was given full dignity, power, effectiveness, and acceptance by ABBA; because of  Yahshua; the Son of Man, went to the Jordan River, was baptised, and accepted by YHWH; who, sent not an angle from Heaven to proclaim this acceptance, but THE ETERNAL.......SPOKE .........."This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."  Matit'yah - ha'Levi 3:17 

And all this happened one day; approximately two thousand years ago, at the Jordan River, and now, people from all over the world are still following His example; being baptized in HIS NAME........Amein!.....Amein!

Friday, November 12, 2010


In our last post we talked about the importance of hearing and obeying the call of "follow Me".

We now discuss the importance of knowing the voice of YHWH. One reason why it is so important is because your life, and mine, depend upon knowing Him.... "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." Yochanan 17:3 (Jn.)

Have you ever had a love one call you on the phone and, as soon as your say hello, and they begin to speak you know instantly who it is? This has resulted from spending lots of time with that loved one. You know their habits of speech, the nuances of voice. As it is in our earthly relationships, even more so in the Heavenly.
The storms which we have in our lives now are the smaller squalls which are 'workmen' to work within us to both will and to do of His pleasure. Now is the time to learn in the School of Messiah. If we make mistakes, (and we will), do not wallow  in your misery. Your defeat can be turned into a great stepping stone if you and I would simply learn the valuable lesson in it.

The Natzarim (disciples) of Yahshua had to hear more that just the physical sound of Yahshua calling them to follow him. Listen, who in their right mind is going to leave their fishing business, tax collecting business, and other occupations of life and follow a man whom they never met and who is so poor that even the foxes and birds have more than Him; in terms of a place to call home.

Think about it......suppose someone (a homeless person) comes to you and says; follow me. You and I would say....who is this person? Does he/she need to type of psychiatric help?

If we are honest with ourselves this is what attitude most of us would have. I'm here to share with you now that the natzarim heard far more than an audible "follow me" call.

This "follow me" call was from YHWH Himself. And how do we know this? "....God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself," 2Cor. 5:19 YHWH has a way of calling that is so penetrating that it speaks to the very core and essence of our being. He has a call that is distinct from every human call;   .....when He calls His voice is as the sound of many waters. [See Y'chizki'el 43:2 & Hagilu Natan Elohim 1:15] KJV (Eze. 43:2; Rev.1:15)  I'm persuaded to believe that the "many waters" is indicative of the many frequencies with which He speaks. Each pitch is characteristic of each person whom He has made. In other words, every person has unique frequency. And when YHWH calls you; you hear in your inner most being the "call" because it is in the key/frequency with which you where created.

This is how much you mean to YHWH. This is how much He loves you and me. We are individually special to Him.So when you calls you; you know  who He is.

I wish to end this teaching/ sharing with the lyrics to a wonderful song I've just now discovered. The song is called God Speaking:

Have you ever heard a love song, that set your spirit free?
courtesy of Public Domain Pictures. net
Have you ever watched a sunrise and felt you could not breathe?
What if it’s Him. What if it’s God speaking?
Have you ever cried a tear that you could not explain?
Have you ever met a stranger who already knew your name?
What if it’s Him. What if it’s God speaking?
Who knows how He’ll get a hold of us?
Get our attention to prove He is enough.
He’ll do, and He’ll use whatever He wants to.
To tell us, I Love You..........

You can get the rest of the lyrics to this song from:

Shalom In Yahshua Messiah.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. Matit'yah ha' Levi 8:23 (Matt.)

We continue our journey with Yahshua (Jesus) here in Matthew (Matit'yah - ha'Levi) where; having healed many who were sick (verse 16) He gives commandment (mitzvah) for travel to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. He enters the ship and His talmidim follow Him.
Here is a subject for pause and contemplation. We are simply told that "....He was entered into the ship, and 'His disciples followed Him'. What can we learn from this verse of Scripture? Many read long passages and 'weary themselves of the door'; and do not enter into a deeper understanding of truth. Every action of Messiah is important in its self and for a wider application.

By entering the ship, Yahshua was simply carrying out His Father's will. He told us plainly " For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me."Yochanan 6:38 (Jn.).  What is the Abbas' will......."And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day". Yochanan 6:40 (Jn.)

Therefore, if we are to have the everlasting life which Yahshua has promised; we must first 'see Him', { that is see Him by faith (See Heb.11:6)} then 'believe on Him' and follow Him. 

At least five times in Matthew Yahsha says to "Follow me" and in Yochanan He says "If ye love me keep my mitzvoth (commandments). Yahshua also said  'If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. So putting these simple verses of Scripture together we have Yahshua carrying out His Father's will by entering the ship. We have his Talmidim obeying Abba's mitzvah in following Yahshua into the ship; and by doing so; they deny themselves, take up their crosses, by following Him.

At this point one may wonder why so many words to this simple teaching? The reason is that the naztarim were about to face a life threatening storm........and so are we.

In order for us to endure this coming storm we must first; open the eye of faith to the Word of Elohim, and then"confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,' and then,  'believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,' then ' thou shalt be saved." Rom. 10:9 

The storm that we face is just as real as that faced by Yahshua's naztarim in the story of  Matit'yah ha' Levi 8:23-27 (Matt.).

We see the dark clouds gathering, we hear the distant muffle of thunder and the flashes of lightening. We feel the chill of the ever quickening wind as it swooshes around us (as the love of many waxes cold). The forces of the world are gathering for the last great struggle against the Prince of Life.

And it is now, at this time, that He calls you to....enter the ship.Yes, both you and I will have a cross to carry while on this ship; however we will be in company with One who carried His for us.  It is safe in the ship.(ask Noah) and he will tell you that the ship is safe and with YHWH'S protecting Hand; you will come to the other shore.(Shamayim) Heaven. Yes, the ship of YHWH'S salvation is soon to leave harbor. The Trumpets are now sounding, and making the final call. They will continue to sound and reach a mighty 'strong cry' (SeeHagilu Natan Elohim 18:6)  Do you hear the call? And when the ship sets out to sea there is no turning back.( See Hagilu Natan Elohim 10:6)[Rev.]...'that there should be time no longer:' and ....'the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.(vs.7)  As the ship into which Yahshua entered  endured the storm ; we have the blessed assurance of making it to the other side if we enter in at the Door.

Friday, October 8, 2010


(The instrumental as played by Mathew Burtner on the CD Hear My Prayer)

I could not do without thee
O Savior of the lost,
whose precious blood redeemed me
at such tremendous cost.
thy righteousness, thy pardon
thy precious blood, must be
my only hope and comfort,
my glory and my plea.

I could not do without thee,
I cannot stand alone,
I have no strength or goodness,
no wisdom of my own;
but thou, beloved Savior,
art all in all to me,
and weakness will be power
if leaning hard on thee.

I could not do without thee,
for O the way is long,
and I am often weary,
and sigh replaces song:
how could I do without thee?
I do not know the way;
thou knowest, and thou leadest,
and wilt not let me stray.

I could not do without thee,
O Jesus, Savior dear;
e'en when my eyes are holden,
I know that thou art near.
How dreary and how lonely
this changeful life would be,
without the sweet communion,
the secret rest with thee!

I could not do without thee;
no other friend can read
the spirit's strange deep longings,
interpreting its need;
no human heart could enter
each dim recess of mine,
and soothe, and hush, and calm it,
O blessèd Lord, but thine.

I could not do without thee,
for years are fleeting fast,
and soon in solemn oneness
the river must be passed;
but thou wilt never leave me,
and though the waves roll high,
I know thou wilt be near me,
and whisper, "It is I."


Monday, September 6, 2010


Have you ever taken a walk outside or cycled, jogged, hiked or simply looked at nature through a picture window and wondered how our Elohim made all theses things? Have you ever stopped and looked carefully at the flowers of the field or the green grass & trees with the sky blue canvass and simply marvel at the rich and beautiful colors and how they match. Have you wondered at the birds that take their flight in the sky's above and what it would be like to fly as a bird and what kind of vantage point you'd have. Have you ever taken in the sweet scent of the freshness of the morning; after the shower of rain and noticed how happy and refreshed everything looks.  Have you ever viewed these things and thought about How YHWH has adapted all nature to coexist in harmony? Yes I admit that we now see through a glass darkly and that sin has marred the wonderful creation; but for us to have such beauty surrounding us down here in the end of days is amazing. It kind of makes one wonder what it must have been like at the beginning.

This post is called A Quite Place In Nature because; set among the places of natural beauty we may find Elohim speaking to us through it. The heavens declare His glory and the creatures of His hand all wait upon Him. Isn't that a beautiful picture? We all wait upon Him and are dependent upon Him for all things.

Nature is full of lessons of YHWH'S love and kindness to us. I say this not because it is what is nice to say but because from a child I've always loved the outdoors and nature. At night I would sleep outside and awake at 3 or 4 in the morning and see the majesty of the night sky with the stars overhead. It speaks volumes of the infinite power of our Elohim.

It is in settings like these that I find most conducive to meditation and prayer. My thoughts seem to turn more from the artificial and stresses of life to the natural pace of nature itself as I watch a bird fly or the butterflies play happily in the fields or the fish swim in the sea.

YHWH has blessed me to be surround with lots of beautiful scenes of nature; and I try to take every advantage of them to commune with Him there.

Thank you Abba for all your wonderful truly speaks of your love and kindness to us. We are not worthy of such goodness and love; but we thank you for Yahshua who is worthy; and we accept your offer of acceptance in Him.

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether [they be] thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. (Col. 1:16,17) {Selah}

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I was listening to some of my favorite songs tonight and thought to share some of them with you. I listen to a range of good Yahshua centered music; but I must make an admission that the ones I'm going to share tonight are my very best. They seem to bring my poor and tempted soul into the very presence of Yahshua.......The KING OF GLORY.

My Favorites:

1. Love Lifted Me -----(by Beth Horton Barnard)-----from the CD Joy Overflowing {which I'm listening to now} and on a scale of 1-10 it gets an easy<----> {do you understand that?}. It speaks of the INFINITE LOVE of YAHSHUA firstly, and then of my life in response to that Love.......HE is Infinite in love.....and this song ....the music .....the voice ....lifts the soul to the very presence of Infinite Love and Ultimate kindness........Amein, Amein.....( I listen to this song 4or 5 times and I never get weary of hearing is ABSOLUTELY wonderful.

2.  The Only Key----(by Beth Horton Barnard)----from the CD Joy Overflowing.......This transports the faithful listener to the Future immortal home through the precious blood of Yahshua----The Only Key to Shamayim (Heaven).

3. This Is The Day Which The Lord Has Made------(by Beth Horton Barnard)----from the CD Joy Overflowing........Words are simply too feeble to tell of the Sweetness of YAHSHUA'S Love as portrayed in this song......I'm sorry please forgive me.....I cannot speak out the sweetness of Him who is Wonderful in Power and Love....Infinite In wisdom.....I'm sorry........It sings of Yahshua being the Rose of Sharon.....again this gets a 20 of 10. As a matter of fact the essence of Yahshua's love that this song captures is <....> if you can comprehend that symbol. (meditate upon Yahshua  in the Shamayim and you will see Him there) by faith

4.  The next song is a  song but not a song but an excellent video of animal choreography..set to music; the most blessed, which speaks of The MASTER CREATOR YAHSHUA  Himself; for no other can Create and none other can love creation like HIM. And if I think of the horrendous things being done to our animals that YHWH made when I bear this song/video clip in mind I weep.....for YHWH to have to see such cruelty to them is almost more than I can bear to see. The video is per excellent. It can be found at ....    IF you see this you'll NEVER be the same again.

5.  Hallelujah! What a Savior---byMathew Burtner.....The Sands of Time Are Sinking, I Could Not Do Without Thee......all are on the Instrumental CD Hear My Prayer......What else can I say.....but Absolutely beautiful Music.....All about our Savior and His LOVE for US.

There you have it everyone; my absolute favorites. Most all songs of Yahshua and His Cross are winners with me; if done right.

I've been taking some of this music with me on my daily journeys to the secret prayer retreats; and playing them as I look out at the vast expanse of ocean, and sky. Sometimes I just listen to the birds and sounds of nature as all things happen along on the air, ocean, and grass of a new dawn of the Savior's love and compassion to us. 

Shalom My friends and Good Night.......for the day cometh......and also the night.....amein amein....

Monday, August 23, 2010


For all you new comers I thought it good to introduce you; by way of this re- post of  the introduction to Arrested For Sedition. (my sister blog) I hope you are spiritually fed from the stream of love that follows from our Elohim and His dearly beloved Yahshua; the King of Glory.

Shalom In Messiah.

It was midnight,and the darkest hour in earth's history had come; the brightness of the full moon made distinct the forms of 12 men in a secluded garden; the Leader, had concluded His final struggle with the hidden powers of darkness, He had gained His final endowment of strength to meet His final cup of suffering.....and now He stands, in advance of His followers, to meet the armed policemen, who had for years thirsted for His blood.

The alleged crime was sedition against the government. The place of arrest, Gethsemane,the One arrested Yeshua of Nazareth, the verdict, guilty, the punishment........DEATH BY CRUCIFIXION.

Arrested, Tried, & Crucified by murderous hands, this is the story about the greatest crime ever committed, by the greatest number of murderers ever convicted, by the most corrupt court ever convined, towards the greatest King ever born, and the most innocent defendant whoever stood trail.

I invite you to join me on this journey of rediscovery of the facts surrounding the arrest, trial, and condemnation of Yeshua of Nazareth. This is not only a retelling of the story, familiar to some, but we seek to acquaint you with new, and fresh insights and new revelations into the crime, the crime scene, and its importance to us today.

We seek to draw clear and distinct parallels, between Yeshua's arrest, and the coming arrest of all who; like Him, are bought to court for charges of which they are not guilty. We explore the questions of why is the details of His arrest, trial and death sentence important to us? What will be the charges of all who follow Him here in the end of time be? Who will bring the charges against us? And for What purpose? Who would be the Judas? Who would be the Judges, who would be the executioners of our time as we prepare for the reenactment (on a world wide scale) of the same scenes presented in Yeshua's arrest, trial and death.

  What was His response to all the false allegations, His betrayer, to His denier, to His enemies, to His sympathizer's, and His friends......and what should our responses be?   All this, and more, we wish to acquaint  you with, so we can all have the kind of practical spiritual preparation required to meet the coming crisis..... as Yeshua did.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Shalom to you all. If you've not read part one of this teaching we suggest that you do before continuing with this post.

In our previous post we had established a starting point for the beginning of the prophecy of Dan. 9 But the 70weeks of Dan. 9 are a part of the longer 2300 evenings and mornings of Dan 8.[ Please request for more information on this point and I'll be happy to share]

Now, when we are studying prophecies of the Scriptures we find that in the same Word of YHWH that there are certain principles that must be understood. The 70weeks are weeks of days. Once we understand this we can quickly determine the number of days spoken of by the  time prophecy principle.

In B'midvar 14: 34 (Num.)  we find that in YHWH appointed the children of Israel 40yrs of punishment according to the number of days they had searched the land of Canaan and bought back an evil report. (this was a prophecy. In Y'chizki'el 4:6 (Eze.) we have another prophecy given by YHWH to the house of Judah referring to days as years.

"After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, [even] forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, [even] forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise." B'midvar 14: 34 (Num.)
"And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year." Y'chizki'el 4:6 (Eze.)

From these two witnesses of the time prophecy principle we now proceed with the application.

We found in our previous post the the decree of Ezra 7:11-26 is the decree which begins this prophecy. 70weeks = 490 days. 490prophetic days= 490 literal years. From 457BC to the Messiah we have 69wks=483 prophetic days= 483 literal years. ("....from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince [shall be] seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks..." Dan.9:25)

Now we can test the principle of prophetic time interpretation by the veracity of it's fulfillment.  From 457BC we add 483 years which = 26AD now we add 1yr. because year 0 is not counted in a straight addition. (In other words there was no year 0. We go from 1BC to 1AD so we must add a year.

We come to 27AD. Must Bible scholars would agree that 27AD was the year in which Yahshua Ha Meshiach was baptized and commenced with his public ministry. Thus we see Yahshua acknowledging this when He said that "....The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.Yochanan-Makabi 1:15 (Mk.)

"Thou shalt arise, [and] have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come." T'hilim 102:13 (Ps.)
To every [thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up [that which is] planted; Kehilat 3:1,2 (Eccl.)

But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, (Gal. 4:4)

"....a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment." Kehilat 8:5

Praise be to YHWH who is wonderful in counsel....infinite in wisdom.....and mighty in power!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


After gaining a most crucial victory over ha Satan in the wilderness of temptation and being ministered unto by holy angels of YHWH; Yahshua's great heart of love is directed toward us; the object of His love and mission.

"Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel."  Yochanan-Makabi 1:14-15 (Mk.) 

Notice that as He commenced His ministry a reference is made to time being fulfilled. What can be the significance of this statement? To what was Yahshua referring? Are there any Prophecies in the Tanakh which refer the time when Messiah was to appear? For we cannot look at any other Scriptures because the B'rit Chadashah (Heb. for New Covenant) had not yet been written.

In the book of Dani'el (Daniel) chapter 9 there is a portion of Scripture which speaks to this very topic.

Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know therefore and understand, [that] from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince [shall be] seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 

In the vision of Daniel 9 The angel Gabriel makes known to Daniel that 70weeks are determined upon Israel (of which the holy city was the center of religious worship). All of Israel were connected with the sanctuary services; for, according to the Torah, any person who would not participate in the yearly services did not have their sins forgiven, and on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) if any did not participate in afflicting their souls before YHWH; as part of the final service for the religious year,  they were cut off from among the people. V'yakra 23:28,29 (Lev.)  So the 70weeks was given as a probationary period for Israel to get right with YHWH as a nation. Many chances had been given them to prove their faithfulness to Him and thus meet the great destiny which YHWH had purposed for them to have. By the end of this period; transgression, an end of sins, reconciliation for iniquities (or lawlessness), the bringing in of everlasting righteousness, the sealing up of the vision, and the anointing of the most holy, where all pointing to the time when the types in the sacrificial services would be met by the great anti-type; Yahshua Messiah.

However, we want to get to the time prophecy which deals specifically with Messiah's appearing. The prophecy distinctly states that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be 7weeks, threescore (60wks), and 2 weeks.

Simply stated, from the time the decree which gives the Jews the authority to rebuild and restore Jerusalem and, to give them their nationhood back, to the Messiah would be 69wks.


At the time of the prophecy the Jews where still in captivity. They where about to be reinstated in there own land.

The decree of Ezra 7:11-26 gives the final and complete authorization for the rebuilding of the Temple and Jerusalem. This decree was given by Artaxerxes(surnamed Long-handed)  the Persian King who issued this decree in 457BC.

Now that we have a starting point; we need to make one more observation before making the application of  the time prophecy.

(to be continued......)   

Monday, July 19, 2010


I absolutely love this video. It brings tears to my eyes every time I see it. Click here to view.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Did You Know ?

Did you know:

1.  That Israel was miraculously fed in the wilderness by Elohim for 40yrs, with the bread which came down from Shamayim (Heaven)? Shemot 16:35 (Ex.)

2. That the bread or manna (which in the Hebrew means [what is it?] See Strong's #4478) which the fathers did eat was a symbol of Yahshua Messiah? Yochanan 6:51 (Jn)

3.  That the manna which came down from Shamayim was a prophecy of the willful ignorance of many among the religious leaders and people of Yahshua's day; in that when He came they said {Who is this?}Yochanan 12:34; Ur 7:49, 5:21; Matit'yah ha Levi 21:10;

4.  That the manna which our Abba fed the people for 40yrs in the wilderness was a prophecy of the withholding of manna for 40days from His only begotten Son Yahshua while He was in the wilderness?

5.  That the physical eating of the manna in the wilderness without a living spiritual connection with the Father through faith in the true Bread of Life which was to come; was not sufficient for the saving of the soul? The physical death of many who wandered in the wilderness for 40 yrs. was a symbol of spiritual death because of disobedience? This too was a prophecy of the many; who, in Yahshua's day were legalistic; content with a mere outward performance of the Law; and without true repentance toward Elohim; of which Yochanan the Baptist spoke(Matit'yah ha Levi 3:8), would avail them nothing? The letter of the Law profiteth nothing;{Yochanan 6:63 (Jn.)} but the Word (Bread) it is spirit and it is life.

6.  That the 40 day fast was the means through which Yahshua reached to the very depths of human deprevity and gluttony, and immorality, and by His mighty right arm, lifted us up? Mashiakim Yehudim 2:18; 5:8 (Heb.)

7.  That know one else has been, or ever, will be called upon to make such a huge sacrifice? For He is the "Lamb of Elohim which taketh away this sin of the world;" Yochanan 1:29; See also P'yilut Hashaliachim 4:12

8.  That we are to receive His victory over a perverted appetite [excessive eating and drinking] (Ur 21:34;Mattit'yah ha Levi 24:49 by exercising temperance in all things (as it is written)? 1Cor9:25;1Cor.6:19,20;1Cor. 10:31; Rom. 12:1 Eph. 5:18.

9.  That the 3 stern  Temptations against Yahshua in the wilderness conflict with Ha Satan is replayed again in the domain of  every human heart ?Jam.1:14; Kefa Aleph 5:8(Pet.);  Rom.15:4.

10.  That in meeting the foe of all mankind in our wilderness of temptation we must, like our great Exemplar, sternly resist these temptations if we are to realize in our life His victory over the world?Mashiakim Yehudim 2:18; Yochanan 5:4; 16:33( Remembering that the battle has been fought and the victory has already been won. Our duty is to bring our lives in harmony with Yahshua's mighty righteousness; not by works lest any man should boast, but by a living faith which works to the purifying of the soul; for it is written: "And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." Yochanan Aleph 3:3 (1Jn.)

Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; Kefa Aleph 4:1(1Pet.)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

In A Solitary Place

In considering the place where Yahshua was directly tempted of ha Satan we ask; what significance would the wilderness or (eramos Strong's #2048 )be to Him; first of all, then to us His followers?  The Greek word for wilderness (eramos) means solitary, lonely, or desolate. The picture we get is that the Ruach Ha kodash led Yahshua into a solitary place, where He could contemplated more deeply His life mission, which was soon to commence.

We understand from the story of the Exodus from Egypt, that [Israel]; the first born son, was called into the wilderness to receive from Elohim the Law, Instructions and Teachings, which would prepare them for their mission as being teachers of the nations. Here, in a solitary place, away from all the corrupting influences of the pagan nations around them, they were; for forty years, taught YHWH'S Laws, Judgments, and Statues. Here they committed and covenanted themselves (by a blood sacrifice) to be a set apart people unto Elohim. Here they were tempted of ha Satan to see whether they would keep Yahweh's Laws or not.

In like manner, Yahshua, the first born of YHWH was called into the wilderness (a solitary place) to be alone with His Abba to receive the final preparation for His public ministry to the world which was soon to open up before Him. Away from all His earthly family and friends, Yahshua saw, without any outside distractions; the road He must travel to become our Sacrifice, our Redeemer. The forty days of hungering and thirsting after righteousness which He submitted Himself to; answers to the forty years of traveling through the wilderness by the Hebrew nation. (I have appointed thee a day for a year)[seeY'chizki'el 4:6 Eze.& B'midvar14:34 Num.]..The victory that Yahshua gained for us reaches back to the Garden of Eden and forward to the very last repenting, believing, sinner. The temptation and the victory He gained, was a reaffirmation of the covenant He entered into; for us, and in our stead.  For the basis of the first Covenant, being faulty, gave way to a new and living Covenant, being established by  better promises.(Mashiakim Yehudim 6:8) I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law [is] within my heart.T'hilim 40:8

Do you sometimes feel all alone. Have you ever sensed the silence of the wilderness even when all around there is a great concourse of people? This, my friend, is the school in which we are taught of Elohim. You may, by circumstances, be situated in such a way so as none can fully understand your walk with Yahshua.  But be assured of Yahshua's promise to be there with you in your battle with Satan.

The people of YHWH are now in a solitary place.We are now being prepared of YHWH for the final ministry and conflict.(See The Gethsemane Crisis and the Coming Crisis at We must, overcome all three temptations; as Yahshua did, with a plain it is written..

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, [even] our faith. Yochanan Aleph 5:4 (1Jn)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Wilderness Conflict

In this post I thought it a good idea to write on the temptation of Yahshua. This I think, would give us a better perspective on the call He made to Simon Peter, Andrew, and the rest of the Talmidim (disciples) to follow Him; and His call to us today.

Have you ever considered what was at stake in this battle with Satan in the wilderness of temptation;and what would've happened if Yahshua did not gain the victory in the conflict? Have you ever considered the price our Messiah paid for us in the immense suffering He endured in the barren region of temptation? Have you ever considered what is the meaning of His victory in the wilderness of temptation for us today?

After His baptism we are told that Yahshua was ".... led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil." Matit'yah ha Levi 4:1. Here in the wilderness of temptation Yahshua was to wrestle with the powers of darkness.

The Cost And the Risk 

Was there a risk involved in Yahshua coming to this world to contest the supremacy of Satan? If so what risks were there?

In order to effectively answer this question let us turn to the testimony of the Scriptures. In B'resheet 3:15;22:18 &Devarim 18:15 we find "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;"  And in the Renewed Covenant (The New Testament) we find: For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: (Rom. 8:3) Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; For verily he took not on [him the nature of] angels; but he took on [him] the seed of Abraham. Mashiakim Yehudim 2: 14,16.

B'resheet (Gen.) tells us that the promised Seed would come through Eve who was just as human as you and I. B'resheet 22:18 tells us that the promised Seed (Yahshua) would come through the line of Abraham; who was just as human as you and I. Devarim 18:15 informs us that He (the Messiah) would come from the midst of the Hebrew people who are just as human as you and I. In the B'rit Hadashah (New Testament) we find that Yahshua came in the likeness (sameness) of sinful flesh [which agrees with the witness of the Torah] And if there was any lingering doubt on this subject the word of YHWH through Shaul (Paul) is that He partook of the same flesh and blood as any ohther son or daughter which enters into the world. And in verse 16 of Mashiakim Yehudim it plainly states that Mashiach took upon Him the seed of Abraham; which again agrees with the Word of Yahweh in the Torah.

The points made above are very important if we are to understand the risks involved in the Life of Yahshua.
For we know that the Scriptures plainly teach that Elohim cannot be tempted. But Yahshua; who knew no sin, no, not even in His thought life, (Mashiakim Yehudim 7: 26; Phil. 2:5) was, for the purposes of salvation; of the same humanity which you and I inherited at birth. And this must be so in order for Him to give to us His mind. In other words, the nature that Yahshua choose to inhabit was to be like our own so that the would be no incompatibility issues in transferring to us His communicable attributes of character. The order of being must be the same for a seamless transfer of divine knowledge,power, and love. And hence the word of YHWH in Mashiakim Yehudim 2: 16 For verily he took not on [him the nature of] angels; but he took on [him] the seed of Abraham. 

With every temptation there was mapped out; by our precious Redeemer a concomitant countermeasure of sheer perfection. A response in thought and deed which imprinted on His human mind, which is transported, by Divine Power; through His precious blood, to the, submitted, repenting, believing child of Elohim.

By His pure and perfect submission to His Father in all things throughout His entire life, Yahshua mapped out for mankind the perfect mind which He willingly offers to all who would come unto Him. At the DNA level a supernatural work goes on, moment by moment and day by day as we remain submitted to Him."And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Rom.12:2

And thus it was that Yahshua was able to be tempted by Satan through His human nature. And because He came with the same nature that you and I have, He could have sinned if He choose to.

The Plan of salvation involved a risk of failure; not because Elohim cannot keep Yahshua in harmony with Himself but because the risk is inherent in the very nature we posses.For this was the very nature that Satan conquered in Eden; and where the fall began, the uplifting of humanity must begin.

Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me: Mashiakim Yehudim 10: 5

He was beset by every temptation which man are tempted with; and if He was to become our example, He must endure, without fault or failure every temptation imaginable. If Satan could find in Him one fault, one murmur, one wrong action; the battle would be over, He would fail of being mans' perfect example and sacrifice, and Satan would win and reign as the prince of this world and man would be eternally lost.

All this and much more was involved in the issues at stake in the wilderness of temptation.

For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted. Mashiakim Yehudim 2:18

He is  our Elder Brother. He came very close to us; He is our Kinsman;and  if we continually look to Him and trust in Him, He will lift us up in Heavenly Places.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Call By The Sea

As Yeshua was walking by the Sea of Galilee He came across to men Simon and Andrew. The were casting their net into the sea to catch fish; for they were fishermen.

Flatts Village (Where our Family Boat was moored) [photograph by Wikipedia]
A fisher's life is not an easy one. This I know from personal experience. My grandfather and step father were fisherman. I have other extended family members who are also fishermen. Some of my early memories is that of seeing my father arise at 4:45am and be out in our nearby barn with crowbar in hand prying out bagged bait from the sides and bottom of the deep freezers. After this arduous task, the bait was put into old paint buckets and carried; by hand down to the boat which was about 1/4 mile away. The way to the boats was a short cut and it was a dark and slippery path. But having gone down there many times we can traverse it's windy downward path in almost total darkness because you would know where the rocky out crops are and know exactly where to put your foot so as to get the best footing.

Once at the boat, we would quickly get the bait into large coolers; and if we got fuel the night before, we would head out to sea. On the way we would need to organize the deck and get everything ready for hauling the large fish pots which were way out of from the shore. (9-12miles) Once we got to the pots we would start the winch and began hauling up to 20 or more pots; empty out the fish and reset it and go to the next one. After all this was done we then would either stay out there and clean up 1-200 pounds of fish or do it at the dock back home;either way it was a lot of work. And all this was done in the hot summer sun. (my summer job) for several years. The gutting, filleting, boning, and cleaning  would take from around 2:00pm to 8:00pm. Then it was getting it back to the barn and into the freezer or selling it to customers while at the dock.

If we went out to do hand line fishing, we would need  get up very early, get to the punt near the larger fishing boat, and row around the inlet shore and search for bait to catch in our nets. When we found the bait, we would set the net, then pull it in, and then fill the large tubs with it; bag the bait and transport the unused portion back to the barn freezers and then head back to the boat with fresh bait in hand and go out fishing. Often we would arrive back at the dock at dusk and sometimes as late as 11:00pm; then clean the fish, and take them to the restaurants or hotels if they needed it urgently.

So the life of a fisherman is not easy. Not to mention if you did not catch much. The cost of fuel in Bermuda is around $2.00/liter (or $7.70/gal.)(2008 price). And even back then (when I was a boy) gas was not cheap. And yes many of the fisherman here, like in other places are rough man.

But what was it that caught Yeshua's eye about Simon and Andrew? What did Yeshua see in these uneducated lower class men? What so impressed Him that He would extend such an honored invitation for them to learn of the greatest Teacher the world has ever seen? I personally believe that Yeshua saw in these apparently unpromising fisherman a teachable spirit; men who would allow themselves to come under the tutelage of One who is infinite in wisdom and knowledge.  They did not; like the rabbi's, scribes and Pharisees, think themselves too learned or wise to be taught by a carpenter. They did not think themselves to wise to hear instruction. Yes, they had issues; like we all do, but Yeshua was endowed with infinite Love and wisdom; and thus He knew that over time they would come to understand many things and become softened and subdued by Divine grace and thus be fitted for the most important work given to mortals. The same energy and hard labor and arduous effort needed to etch out the life of a fisherman, Yeshua would use, combined with His winning love and meekness to make them now........fishers of man. For they were open to divine influences and they saw in Yeshua, such sterling, and loving  mien, such compassion and meekness blended with full consciousness of Infinite Power, that as He looked into their very soul, (for His eyes are like a flame of fire piercing the night of the soul) and with rich musical voice He said follow me, they left all, and quickly followed Him.

And He said.............  "..... and I will make you fishers of men." 

What think ye of Messiah....He is altogether lovely.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Walking In Yahushua

As we continue to ponder the significance of the first three words of  (Matit'yah-ha' Levi 4:18) one cannot but be open to the possibility of the spiritual teaching that walking conveys. Consider the following: the word halak  in the Hebrew   (Strong's #1980) means, among other things, to walk (figuratively). In Malachim - Aleph 3:3 it says " And Solomon loved the LORD,[Yahuwah}]walking in the statutes of David his father: Zacharias and Elisabeth in Ur 1:1 are pictured as "....walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord[Yahuwah] blameless." The Scriptures also teach that walking can be used to denote disobedience as found with Zimri in Malachim-Aleph 16: 19: "For his sins which he sinned in doing evil in the sight of the LORD, in walking in the way of Jeroboam, and in his sin which he did, to make Israel to sin."

When we consider that  Yahushua never walked in sin, no, not even in thought (Kefa Aleph 2:22& Yochanan 14:30)[1Pet. & Jn] we do well if we heed the words of Scripture: "He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked." Yochanan Aleph 2:6 (Jn)

And how do we walk as He walked?{as physical walking must begin in the mind, so to must spiritual walking} "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: [Messiah Yahushua] Phil. 2:5 And what was, and is, the mind of Yahushua? In order to receive His mind we need to closely study His ways(which are a reflection of His thoughts and habits) with the strict purpose of becoming like Him. Simply put; we must behold Him. Yahushua has given us some practical lessons in this. He has taught us to watch and pray lest we enter into temptation. He has taught us to pray without ceasing; that is, to be continually in the attitude of prayer. To habituate the mind to dwell upon purity, honesty, and all the themes of Phil. 4:8. As we practice this continual staying upon Him the mind is renewed in Ha kodesh (set apart-ness); and we day by day receive a deeper revelation of the mind of Yahuwah. Almost imperceptibly; as a growing tree, we grow up into Him in all things with the fruit of the Ruach [Spirit] present and  perfect at each stage of development until fully ripened  and ready for the great harvest.

 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
[This] I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Gal. 5:25;5:16

Monday, June 28, 2010

And Yahushua Walking

"And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left [their] nets, and followed him. And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James [the son] of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them. And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him." (Matit'yah-ha' Levi 4:18-22)

Have you ever noticed that when walking you can observe more closely the scenes around you. When on a motor bike (a popular mode of transport in Bermuda) or in a car or other means of transport; life seems to whiz by. Scenes come and go quickly.  However, when walking one could pay more attention to their surroundings. I think that Yahushua  sought not to pass life by in haste or delay. What do you think? I mean, have you ever heard of Yahushua (Jesus) being late? Or in a hurry?

I think He was a keen observer of life; and He took time to observe many things. Do you think that there is any significance in the fact that He walked almost everywhere He went? I mean; with the exception of the time that He rode on a colt, He is pictured walking everywhere else. My thoughts on this is that if He were on a horse (or other type of transport) He may miss out on an opportunity to bless someone, or be blessed of someone. It may have also given someone the sense that He is more important then them(although this is true) and thus not near kinsman to them. Perhaps, being poor afforded Him the most opportunities to reach all classes.

Do you have any other ideas of the significance of "And Jesus, walking...."? I would like to hear from you.

Shalom In Messiah

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Two Calls .....One Message.....One Teacher

Shalom all. As mentioned in an earlier post we are focusing on all the instances in the Life of Yahusha where He is is either by the sea, teaching by the sea, or any other events in His life by the sea.

We find Him now by the Sea of Galilee in Matit'yah ha Levi 4 (Matt) and lets look at verses 18-22

"And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left [their] nets, and followed him. And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James [the son] of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them. And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him."

The first thing I find interesting about verse 18 is that Yeshua is pictured as walking; not riding a camel or horse or donkey, or in a horse drawn cart, but simply walking. There are several points one can consider in this simple word picture. Did you know that the first time the word walking is mentioned in the Scriptures is in B'resheet 3:8 (Gen.)  "And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden." Isn't that interesting? Yeshua, at the commencement of His personal misistry of Redemption is portrayed as walking by the sea and He calls out after two people; and yet in B'resheet we see the same picture of our Creator calling out for two people, namely Adam and Eve. Now Adam and Eve are the progenitors of our race (the human race) and Simon and Andrew are the first of the apostles which are the fathers of the new (human and divine) race."Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." Kefa Bet 1:4 (2Pet.)

Yeshua, who is before all things, and is the Lamb slain, from (before) the foundation of the world....was walking in the cool of the day calling out after a wayward son and daughter. Four Thousand years later He appears as a man among men calling out after humanity (in Simon and Andrew) inviting them; as He did Adam and Eve to become living stones."Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ".Kefa Aleph 2:5 (1Pet.) For the word Eve means living (Strong's #H2332) and Simon means stone (Strong's #H8095) This call is given to all mankind; for Adam means mankind (Strong's H120); and although Adam first hid from Elohim; he afterward accepted the Gospel of B'resheet 3:15 (Gen.) and so too did Andrew; which means manly (strong's G406) receive the gracious call of Yehsua.

We too can be like them in hearing and accepting each day the call of Yeshua upon our lives. We too will accept His call and go where He bids us and do what He commands......and thus by hearing and doing He will lead us back to Eden .....the Garden of Delight.